Time and again I have mentioned about " Cycle Quake " Theory. The term devised by me is about the major quakes (6+) occurring in a cyclic way.Which is explained as mentioned below
Whenever a major quake occurs on a potential date (as per my theory) , the subsequent major quakes also occur on dates 7th/8th,and /or 14th/15th and /or 21st /22nd days after the first quake. These quakes can not be termed as after shocks because they may occur on any where. Nevertheless,chances of yet another major quake on the same location are high.
Thus ,it is advisable for people in general and authorities in particular, to alert the people on such days (where major quake has already struck
Let us check for AUGUST
I have mentioned 10th,17th and 24th (though 3rd August was strong , as could not post on my blog before that, I have not mentioned it). for the major quakes ( watch they are in cyclic order)
Now actual quakes in August are
1)3rd August- 6.8 and 6.1 at Micronesia
2)3rd ----------6.1 CHINA where hundred of people died
3)10th-----------6.0 Japan
4)18th-----------6.2 and 5.8 at Iran Iraq boarder
watch the clear cyclic pattern
The beauty of this prediction is, there was no major quake (6+) on any date other than this cyclic nature
The reason for such pattern is Clearly Moon .
After every 7th /8th day Moon travel 90 degrees and occupies another potent position 90 degrees apart,hence cyclic quakes. After 15 days it will be at 180 degree apart.
If anybody would like to check ,they can try with USGS records
I do not know why are we ignoring such striking rule.