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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Earthquake prediction for January 2015

 Here are three probable dates and magnitude for the month of January 2015

1) 4th January................6.6

2)19th January...............6.7

3)22nd January..............6.6

 Date window + or - one day

Magnitude window + or - 0.3


Monday, December 29, 2014

Hypothesis for predicting location of major earthquakes

 After much home work ( more than six years),following hypothesis is published for predicting locations of major earthquakes
 One more hypothesis is can be given is like this

If the quake is more than 6 ,the place ie location could be depending on
1) Moon's location (+ or - 20 degrees)
2) Moon's location + 180 degrees (+ or -20 degrees)
 However this depends on the stronger trigger at that time
 Generally it is Sun or Moon
In some cases it could be Jupiter, Venus or Mars ,if they are at perigee and at Maximum declination on that day
 To days-29th December 2014(6.1 -Philippines quake) corresponds to Moon
This hypothesis, is under trial and I have seen it working in more than 75% major quakes

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Earthquake prediction for December 2014


 I am sorry for not posting the probable earthquake dates for the month of December 2014.
Yesterday, my wife has been given discharge from the hospital after surgery.
 Any way,we have one quake of 6.8 ,at PNG today ie 7th at 01.22 UTC,(pl check it is just after Full Moon.
 Any way the probable dates are

1) 13th  December 2014........6.4




window period  + or - one day

magnitude window...+ or -  0.3

If I specify the time also ( this is purely for academic purpose and my evaluation should be done on above criteria...for Roger)

1) 00.30 UTC
2)19th ....08.30 UTC
3) 22nd...01.36 UTC
4) 24th....16.45 UTC
5)  28th ...18.30 UTC
 These are five dates with + or - 6 Hrs time window


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Earthquuake prediction for November 2014

 Here are the probable dates for 6+ quakes
1)4th November 2014............6.3
2)7th/8th ...............................6.4

window period + or - 1 day
magnitude window    + or - 0.3

7th /8th means from 12noon UTC  7th to 12 Noon UTC 8th


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

6.5 Quake predicted on 23 rd October 2014

 Here , I will give the date ,time and locations (two straight lines on the globe)

Date....23rd October 2014
time ...00.45 UTC
locations (these are probable locations and these are my views only.May not be correct. This is no official announcement to act or to panic)

1) A line from 30 degree south  and 175 degree East to  20 degree North and 120 degree East

2) A line  from 80 degree west  and
20 degree south to  40 degree North  and 15 degree East

Sunday, October 5, 2014

My earthquake prediction results for September 2014

 Here are the results of my September results as against your 30 random dates

Total 6+ quakes...5
My results.. 3 hits out of 4

results of 30 random dates are as follows

1 hit.........6
2 hits........12
3 hits........10
4  hits.......2

Now 10 +2 = 14 are better than my results out of 30. ie not even 50%
 If my predictions are below odds ,at least 75% or more should be better than my dates

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Earthquake prediction for October 2014

here are the probable dates for the month os October 2014

only three dates are predicted for this month
1)7th October 20147............6.6

2)22nd  October 2014.........6.5

3) 28th October 2014...........6.4

Time window is + or - one day

Magnitude window is + or - 0.3 ( however this should not be disqualifying criteria ,as long as the quake in window period is 6+)


Friday, August 29, 2014

Earthquake prediction for September 2014

 My probable major earthquake dates for the month of September 2014 are as mentioned below
1)1st September 2014...............6.6

2)8th September 2014.............6.8

3)16th September 2014..........6.3

4)23rd/24th September 2014...........6.4 ( 23rd/24th means UTC TIME 1200 FROM 23rd to UTC 1200 NOON ON 24th)

window period + or - one day
magnitude window + or -0.3 (only for reference and should not be disqualified if quake is 6+ but out of window magnitude)

Roger is requested to post random dates here. If all 30 sets of dates are not practicable Roger is requested to post only 10 sets as a sample survey
 Actually, random dates should be posted prior to my dates. From next month we will do that.
 As my first date window period was approaching with in a day, I have posted the dates earlier

Monday, August 18, 2014

6.2 quake at Iran on 18th August and my cycle quake theory

 Time and again I have mentioned about " Cycle Quake " Theory. The term devised by me is about the major quakes (6+) occurring in a cyclic way.Which is explained as mentioned below
   Whenever a major quake occurs on a potential date (as per my theory) , the subsequent major quakes also occur on dates 7th/8th,and /or 14th/15th and /or 21st /22nd days after the first quake. These quakes can not be termed as after shocks because they may occur on any where. Nevertheless,chances of yet another major quake on the same location are high.
  Thus ,it is advisable for people in general and authorities in particular, to alert the people on such days (where major quake has already struck
  Let us check for AUGUST
 I have mentioned 10th,17th and 24th (though 3rd August was strong , as could not post on my blog before that, I have not mentioned it). for the major quakes ( watch they are in cyclic order)
 Now actual quakes in August are
1)3rd August-  6.8 and 6.1 at Micronesia
2)3rd ----------6.1 CHINA where hundred of people died
3)10th-----------6.0 Japan
4)18th-----------6.2 and 5.8 at Iran Iraq boarder
watch the clear cyclic pattern
 The beauty of this prediction is, there was no major quake (6+) on any date other than this cyclic nature
 The reason for such pattern is Clearly Moon .
 After every 7th /8th day Moon travel  90 degrees and occupies another potent position 90 degrees apart,hence cyclic quakes. After 15 days it will be at 180 degree apart.

If anybody would like to check ,they can try with USGS records
 I do not know why are we ignoring such striking rule.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

6.2 Earthquake at Iran Iraq boarder on 18th August 2014, as predicted

 pl see my prediction for 17th August of 6.7 quake and actual quake of 6.2 at Iran Iraq Boarder on 18th
August at 2.32 UTC
Watch the accuracy of prediction (+ or - one day window period)

 Also pl note at the time of quake Moon was at 56 degrees East and the quake occurred at 47 degrees east,showing Moon has profound effects on major quakes

also pl see my web page   and see news and calender

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Earthquake prediction for August 2014

 Here are the probable dates for major quakes in August 2014

1)10th August 2014.........................7.0 (most potent date in August)

2)17th August ...............................6.7

3)24th August.............................6.5

places/location of quakes are not predicted

window period is + or - one day

magnitude window is + or - 0.3

please note as we have already crossed 3rd August ,the date is excluded (though it is my personal diary.

The proof of cycle quakes (which term I often use 0 can be clearly seen from other dates.

You can notice that,the dates are seven/seven and half days apart ( by which time Moon occupy another

potent position 90 degree apart. The chances of major aftershocks (where major quakes have been

witnessed on 3ed August  ,are high

 These are my personal predictions and observations and can not be treated as warnings
