Here are the dates (exact dates) ,for probable 6+ earthquakes for March 2015
1)14 th March ....at....01.40 UTC..........6.5
2) 19th March........at 19.30 UTC......6.4
3)26th March .....at 14.30 UTC........6.3
The Time given are for academic interests . One may consider + or - one day window period as usal
Here are the dates (exact dates) ,for probable 6+ earthquakes for March 2015
1)14 th March ....at....01.40 UTC..........6.5
2) 19th March........at 19.30 UTC......6.4
3)26th March .....at 14.30 UTC........6.3
The Time given are for academic interests . One may consider + or - one day window period as usal