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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Earthquake forecast for the month of April 2017

  The month of April have special significance because

1) Saturn , Venus, Mercury and Pluto all changes the direction in this month
2) Venus and Jupiter are very close to Earth
3) Moon maximum declination in South , is reaching 19.01  on 18th

these are some of the triggers which may give 6.5+ quakes

probable dates are


2)16th .............6.4


window period is+ or - one day


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Earthquake prediction for January 2017

  Happy New Year

Here are some or the probable dates for 6+ earthquakes for the month of January 2017

1)4th January 2017..........6.3

2)11th January.................6.6

3)26th January .............6.4

Time window is  + or - one day
